Drink This Hydrating Beverage To Improve Your Dental Health – Health Digest

Drink This Hydrating Beverage To Improve Your Dental Health - Health Digest

The fluoride found in many water sources is another powerful defense against tooth decay (via Centers for Disease Control and Prevention). Fluoride works by strengthening your tooth’s surface —the enamel. 

There’s a lot going in your mouth that wastes away at your tooth enamel — the acids from bacteria as we mentioned before and plaque buildup being some of them. Drinking water that contains fluoride can prevent this by giving your teeth that extra layer of protection. 

Also, if you haven’t guessed already, drinking water keeps your mouth generally clean. Yes, you have to brush your teeth in the morning and at night for good dental health, but sipping on water after meals and throughout the day can ensure that you don’t have harmful concentrations of bacteria in your mouth. 

Now that you know that skimping on hydration is one of the mistakes you didn’t realize you were making with your oral health, what kind of water should you be drinking for the health of your teeth? And what beverages should you be avoiding?

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